My Story

Paula photo with boys copyMy Story

Paula De Francesca

My name is Paula De Francesca and I am a mum of two beautiful boys.

Trust your Intuition

As a child I had a mother, grandmother and sister who would discuss premonitions, feelings and their dreams and therefore I grew up listening to my own intuition.

Even though I grew up with quite intuitive women around me, schools and the corporate world did not lend itself to the spiritual world and even though I did use my intuition when dealing with colleagues and customers I did tend to quiet my spiritually during this time.

As I entered my thirties I started to do more research into connecting with our higher self and energy work.  Also with the passing of a few close friends I started to feel more connected to their spirit and as I took on more studies and research I felt my intuition and abilities to connect with energies and spirit increase.

Today I live my life surrounding to guidance and bringing joy into my life.  I am so blessed to be able to help people do the same.


When my children came along the spiritual world seemed to open up. My children are my greatest teachers; they challenge me in a way I never thought possible.

When we have children areas that we need to work on are presented to us and it forces us to look at ourselves. For this I am grateful as it means learning more, even though it does challenge us.

I am so grateful for my abilities, tools I have learnt, for my family and to the wonderful clients I have been honoured to work with.  I look forward every day to my journey, lessons and helping others.

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